How to reuse the dredged material from sea ports and waterways?

Frequently, sand and silt sits downstream and natural sedimentation slowly fills water channels and ports. This process leads to a number of problems including blocking ships and hindering the process of shipping. This material requires periodic dredging and removal. Beneficial reuse of dredged material is another process in which dredged material is processed under certain circumstances to make it reusable.

What is dredging?

Dredging is a rigorous process of excavating and removing sediments and debris from the bottom of harbors, sea ports, and waterways. It is routinely required to keep busy waterways and harbors clear of any sediment obstructions. Sedimentation is a natural process in which sediments like sand, silt, and rocks accumulate at the seabed and prompt a number of problems for harbor and port operators.

Dredging is required to maintain necessary depth and width of navigation channels, berthing areas, and canals. It contributes in safe navigation of large container ships and boats. Shipping vessels need a certain level of water in order to float and move. Maintaining this water depth is vital to continue operations of larger ships. Dredging is also required for environmental purposes which include reducing exposure of wildlife and people to contaminants that rest in water bodies. Dredge spoil disposal is another process of tackling dredged materials.

Beneficial reuse of dredged sediments

Beneficial reuse of dredged material has become very important for making water channels and ports more resilient to changing climate. It is growing practice in making coastlines and wetland more feasible for importing and exporting and also keeping the people from exposure to sea contaminations. However, making excavated sediment materials reusable is also an expensive and lengthy process. There is already so much pollution due to disposal of these sediments in waste areas and landfills.

There are companies that offer dredge spoil disposal solutions. These companies employ machines and infrastructure that helps in easy conversion of sediments into usable commodities. Harbor Rock is one of them that offer eco-friendly and cost-effective dredged material solutions. They are a reputed and reliable company. Whether you’re a dredging contractor or simply a port operator, you can contact them for the best professional help.



Finding companies that offer dredging and disposal services

The techniques and methods as well as the equipment and machinery used for dredging services rely on the company that provides the dredged material disposal services. Most of today’s dredging companies work in conjunction with sediment management companies that offer sediment reuse solutions. They utilize state-of-the-art equipment, as well as cost-effective and innovative techniques to deliver faster and better results. They employ experienced team of dredgers and excavators who understand how to dredge and convert specific types of sediments.

Dredging is a process where the water beds are removed in order to draw pollutants, sediments, and other materials from the water body, channels, including lagoons. This process if often required to deepen the waterways or to clean up the water.

Professional residuals management and conversion companies often have a team of experienced and highly-trained technicians who can perform the task and provide their clients with the best results. Good dredged material disposal service providers perform various tests on the body of water before dredging. They keep their own lab technicians and specialists who carry out testing and sampling of the water before moving to the further process. By testing and sampling, they can better determine on the best machine and methods to use for dredging.

Most companies in this sector can provider different options for disposal, residual waste, and sediment reuse. Clients need to communicate what type of service they really need, and at the same time, the dredging company can provide them different options on what is the best and most appropriate thing to do.

Providers of dredging services need to be able to understand their clients' needs clearly and ensure that they achieve their expected results. Such companies incorporate technology and innovation in their processes to deliver the best service to their clients and utilize the most appropriate method and equipment for optimum results.

If you’re looking for a company that offers cost-effective and eco-friendly sediment solutions then HarborRock can be the best choice. They have been serving harbor and port operators for many years. They can help in the successful and affordable conversion of sediments excavated from deep waters.



Sustainable Disposal Solutions for Dredged Material in NJ

In order to keep the nation’s ports’ clear for shipping, the federal agencies estimate millions of cubic yards of dredged material needs to dispose of every year from water channels across the country. There is a permanent disposal solution in the form of recycling but many companies don’t really care about the environment. The problem is when it hampers their regular business; they start crumbling and start collecting aggregated sediments from the bottom of waterways.

Dredge disposal is a process of removing unnecessary sediments to provide appropriate depth to water channels which is required for large commercial shipping vessels. The reason why there is a huge concern regarding marine dredged material is there is a lack of land where we could accommodate it.

It becomes necessary to dispose of this material in order to keep the site operational and maintain its works discreetly. Therefore, it is carried out on a yearly basis because hiring a professional excavating company is a costly deal. It is such a major challenge to provide treatment and find beneficial permanent disposal solutions for earthen material such as gravels, rocks, and sand.

Some choose methods that are quite threatening to the maritime ecosystem such as traditional landfill disposal. It not only impacts the environment but also critical for human wellbeing. When a lot of waste is collecting in a specific area, it sometimes leads to toxic actions and hazardous results.

HarborRock’s dredge disposal solutions and technology used to convert sediments into usable aggregate commodity products are hailed by many port and harbor operators. They are the most innovative solutions for dredged material that is sustainable and cost-effective.

The methods they use are mostly used in cement and mining industries. What is the main tenet of their services is they offer affordable waste conversion and sediment management facilities. They employ highly-trained and experienced engineers and technicians who understand contaminated and non-contaminated dredged materials. Their state-of-the-art process and infrastructure allow feasible beneficial reuse of dredged material and properties. For more information contact us



Eco-Friendly Disposal Service for Port Dredge Spoil

Water bodies constantly get congested with several materials that come from different natural and human-made resources. What troubles most of the ports is the collection of silt which comes from broken down soil or rock. It mixes in the water and can create cloudiness. The easiest way to understand this is by sediments. Sediments can include a number of materials: rock, metal, quartz, plastic, sand, and others. When they are dredged using a tool or machinery, there comes the need for proper dredge spoil disposal.


Frequent dredging is important for the continuation of coastal regions and the maintenance of shipping channels. The dredging process removes sediments from the water bodies, and the removed materials, termed dredged spoils, are generally considered a geo waste for dumping. Dredge spoil disposal includes a complete process of collecting and disposing of sediments that are extracted from beneath the water.

However, when this disposal process is carried out offshore at landfills or disposal lands, it creates irreversible impact on the marine ecosystem. Port dredging is required to keep the vessels’ movement smooth and convenient.

Dredged Spoil Disposal

Ultimately, dredging eliminates and simultaneously leaves more sedimentation problems. Sediments such as rocks, soil, and metals accumulate below the water channels which are due to natural processes or human activities. To maintain seamless maritime navigation in waterways, it is important to maintain appropriate water depths. Dredging helps address the same requirement. However, dredge spoil disposal is another concern for port administrators. You can’t avoid contaminants due to its various physical and biological effects on the eco-system.

Eco-Friendly Disposal Solutions

HarborRock offers eco-friendly dredge disposal solutions. They are running their business for many years now and have established a name in the industry for their port dredging and reusable sediment solutions. If you’re looking for a company that can help you with dredge disposal, you can trust their unit. They have a very professional team that works to fulfill all your disposal needs. They offer containment facility and convert sediments into usable commodities. For more information contact us.



Affordable Sediment Control and Management Solutions in NJ


Fighting various elements can be a tough battle, especially when it’s about controlling the level of sediments being washed out from a construction site or water body. We are going to provide some effective sediment solutions that will help you prevent water pollution.

Sediment Control at Home

There are many occasions that may crop up where you’d like to have a better understanding of the sediment management that can be cleaned from as well as build up on the site. Excess collection of sediment near your business and property can cause clogged drains and potential flooding. The troubles that can come from such drainage problems are only intensified when there is too much rainfall. In order to avoid such issues, grates can be placed on gutters to prevent leaves and debris from clogging them and inlet filters can fitted to prevent sediments from accumulating and blocking these drainage outlets.

On Construction Sites

In addition to being eco-friendly sediment solutions, sediment control around construction sites is regulated by the government. These rules and regulations require construction sites that are covering more than once acre and less than five acres of area to prevent pollutants in stormwater runoff. Contractors who fail to comply with these regulations can get fined heavily that costs the company financially and affects the business.

Construction companies that want to obey these regulations are critically required to maintain the project site tidy. It helps in protecting the environment as well as the habitat around it. While a cluttered site can lead to accidents, injuries, pollution, and increased project costs due to failure of inspection. Inlet filters and grates play a vital role in preventing the debris runoff from polluting the water and clogging the main sewers.

HarborRock offers the best sediment solutions and sediment management services in the New Jersey. They basically cover marine industry and focus on converting dredged materials into usable aggregate commodity products. They provide service to harbors and port operators and help them with their environment-friendly and cost-effective sediment solutions. If you want to know about us please contact us.

Perfect Solutions for Sediments Created out of Dredging

Ports and harbors very frequently need dredging to remove silt, rocks, and other dirt that collects over time. Sand and clay material accumulate in water bodies that sometimes inhibit the operation of ships and other marine equipment completely. This deposit collectively referred to as sediments that require port dredging to maintain navigable depth.

This might be a lucrative natural process for dredging contractors who make thousands of dollars annually from this. Port authorities have to bear a large expenditure every year because of sediment quantities that pile up and hamper swift porting business. To this problem, finding perfect sediment solutions that saves money and time is essential.

Luckily, HarborRock specialize in turning dredged material into usable aggregate products. They use this material to reproduce a number of quality aggregate products that are used in construction and infrastructure projects.

The best part about HarborRock is they offer dredge material containment facilities that are great alternatives to landfills. That means they have proper space to store large quantities of recyclable sediments and also necessary infrastructure. They are the best choice if you’re looking for sustainable sediment solutions.

Ports have to accommodate a number of ships at the same time and since ships are normally very large in size and hull, they require ample space to get adjusted and navigated. In import/export industries, shipping plays a vital role and probably the trickiest role. No matter how hard they try to keep sediments at bay they are always unable to cope with sediment accumulation.

Sediments not only include natural materials but they also include other contaminations such as plastic and metal scrap. Human waste is a terrible threat to marine environment which is a matter of concern for the whole marine life.

HarborRock are committed to keeping the environment and its natural form by providing sediment solutions that are environment-friendly as well as economical. If you’re a port operator or belongs to similar industry, you may want to turn port dredging costs into profitable investment. They can help you make most of the dredged material by converting it into usable aggregate products. For more information you can visit their website.



Hire the Best Company for Permanent Dredge Disposal Service

Sediment is an inevitable part of the marine ecosystem. Sediments include rock, sand, metal, and other contaminants that are dumped mostly in the sea. They either come from local and commercial sites or through the dredging of seaports and harbors. Dredging is required to remove these sediments and ensure harbors, waterways, and ports are easily navigable. There is probably no permanent disposal solution for sediment materials but they can be recycled for use for different purposes.

There are many companies you can find on the internet that offer dredge spoil disposal service. To clear seaports, estuaries, and shipping channels, one would need a perfect disposal solution.

Because there can be tones of sediment to be dug and moved, you would require equivalent equipment and resources to conclude the task efficiently. It’s ideal to look for professional dredging service providers who also provide conversion and beneficial reuse solutions.

Dredge spoil dumping

Dredge spoil means sediment materials like rock, gravel, soil, and shell materials that are extracted from dredging machines. You can understand dredge spoil from human-induced contaminants that mostly lie cluttered on landfills also known as dredge spoil banks. Dredging to maintain the required depth of previously dredged water banks is needed which mostly brings out significant dredge spoil. HarborRock provides dredge spoil disposal service at the best rates and committed to meet clients’ requirements.

Permanent dredge disposal

There are a few reputed companies that can offer a permanent disposal solution. You can obtain information on these services through the internet. HarborRock uses the latest technology that mostly used in the mining and cement industries for the preservation and conversion of sediments. They are capable of converting sediments into reusable and valuable aggregate commodities. This also helps in saving costs, avoiding allocating separate area for the depository, and procuring necessary infrastructure. They are experts in converting sediment materials into sustainable aggregate material.
