How to reuse the dredged material from sea ports and waterways?

Frequently, sand and silt sits downstream and natural sedimentation slowly fills water channels and ports. This process leads to a number of problems including blocking ships and hindering the process of shipping. This material requires periodic dredging and removal. Beneficial reuse of dredged material is another process in which dredged material is processed under certain circumstances to make it reusable.

What is dredging?

Dredging is a rigorous process of excavating and removing sediments and debris from the bottom of harbors, sea ports, and waterways. It is routinely required to keep busy waterways and harbors clear of any sediment obstructions. Sedimentation is a natural process in which sediments like sand, silt, and rocks accumulate at the seabed and prompt a number of problems for harbor and port operators.

Dredging is required to maintain necessary depth and width of navigation channels, berthing areas, and canals. It contributes in safe navigation of large container ships and boats. Shipping vessels need a certain level of water in order to float and move. Maintaining this water depth is vital to continue operations of larger ships. Dredging is also required for environmental purposes which include reducing exposure of wildlife and people to contaminants that rest in water bodies. Dredge spoil disposal is another process of tackling dredged materials.

Beneficial reuse of dredged sediments

Beneficial reuse of dredged material has become very important for making water channels and ports more resilient to changing climate. It is growing practice in making coastlines and wetland more feasible for importing and exporting and also keeping the people from exposure to sea contaminations. However, making excavated sediment materials reusable is also an expensive and lengthy process. There is already so much pollution due to disposal of these sediments in waste areas and landfills.

There are companies that offer dredge spoil disposal solutions. These companies employ machines and infrastructure that helps in easy conversion of sediments into usable commodities. Harbor Rock is one of them that offer eco-friendly and cost-effective dredged material solutions. They are a reputed and reliable company. Whether you’re a dredging contractor or simply a port operator, you can contact them for the best professional help.
