Email Marketing For Colleges Can Be Really Effective

If you're like most college administrators, you are always looking for ways to market your institute and add new tools to your marketing mix. Best email marketing for colleges is one of the easiest and most cost effective tools to market your college in any location.

It's not expensive and it's easy to do as long as you follow the basic steps we'll cover in this post.


Sign up for an email service

You don't want to try using your personal or regular email provider for emailing your students and prospects. This might be fine if you're still under 100 recipients in your list but it becomes an issue once you start to build your list.

Email marketing service providers will make sure that you are following the laws and make sure that your email has the highest deliverability available.

Give something away

The easiest way to get students to sign up for your list is to give away a free report or guide related to your offers or services. This can be as simple as a report with the top "10 things to look for before applying a college program".

This type of freebie is a great lead generator and will encourage students to sign up for your list in order to get the free report. You may consider college events brand ambassadors for additional help.

Add a signup at the top of your website

It's not enough to have a button on your website that tells people they can sign up, you should have your sign up form towards the top of every page of your website. Don't let them go anywhere without seeing it. While doing email marketing for colleges, be sure to mention your course advantages in the report so students don't miss it.

You can even create a couple of different reports with different signup forms on each page. This will give you better tracking and give better information for specific users based on their needs.

Broadcast what's up with you

Are you going to organize a college event soon? Were you the featured college for a local newspaper? Anything that's news is a great reason to send an announcement to your future students and prospects. Students will be excited for you and prospects will see that you are an active institution and more reliable. You may take help from college events brand ambassadors for choosing the theme and content of your email marketing campaign.