Top 5 Marketing Strategies That Boost College Enrollment

The decreasing enrollment numbers at colleges and universities are putting extra pressure on marketing agency for colleges to deliver increased enrollment numbers. To cultivate an interest in their courses and degree programs, many universities are focusing solely on reengineering and improving their digital marketing strategies. If you’re college marketer seeking to increase enrollment in this upcoming session, let’s learn the top 5 marketing strategies that you can enact right now.



1. Leverage well-reputed endorsements

It would be effective if you utilize high-profile endorsements to promote your college. It’s similar to working influencers and college events brand ambassadors. Since most colleges & universities have well-known alumni, marketers can give reference to these famous graduates in ongoing ad campaigns. You may have a list of top-ranked graduates in the previous years or alumni who have done great work in their respective fields. It would be great if you contact them to endorse your institution on television or in digital ads. Students tend to show more interest in colleges that have a great alumni employment track record.

2. Highlight campus life with social media ads

To engage with potential students, colleges and institutes need to leverage social media platforms. According to research conducted by eMarketer, US teens mostly prefer using Instagram and Facebook followed by Snapchat. The top US universities such as Stanford University have a compelling presence over different social media channels and it consistently gives prospective students a peek into life on campus.

3. Use Chatbots

Appointing a team of human representatives to attain calls and respond to emails can be costly as well as an inefficient idea. When students fill a form on your website or through a social media ad, they usually expect a reply within the same day. It is crucial to follow-up students to take time to send you a query and to make the responses faster, a marketing agency for colleges can use chatbots. Chatbots allow you to quickly respond to common student queries. While chatbots can be effective they can’t always take place of personalized human interactions so make sure you have some human representatives as well to handle inquiries when needed.

4. Social Media Live Streaming and Video Ads

College events brand ambassadors can make use of live video streaming on Facebook, Instagram, or Periscope to promote their institutions. Short introduction videos can make a huge impact on your target audience so you can create short videos that contain the basic information of your college campus and features things that could attract prospective students such as top alumni, infrastructure, and scholarship programs.

5. SEO

If you have a website for your institute that’s not going to get you any fruit unless you start working on it. If the students who are seeking admission in courses that you’re offering are unable to find your name in their searches, you may be losing a large chunk of enrollment. Since 90% of people use search engines to get information about a particular thing on the web, you should start working on your website’s search engine optimization so that it ranks higher in search engines and drive a consistent volume of organic traffic.

We are a reputed marketing agency for colleges. We help colleges in increasing the number of applications and also help businesses in promoting their products and services among college students. These top five marketing strategies would help you boost college enrollment.